Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fête des Boeufs Gras

My creation
Bazas, originally uploaded by Lezzles.

Today we spent the day in Bazas - a small town south of Bordeaux with an enormous gothic cathedral and a unique race of cattle. Every year they fatten the cattle up for five months and then they parade the best specimens through the streets of the town behind tractors to the main square where they are weighed, judged and admired.

We spent the morning ogling their enormous rumps; lunchtime eating the enormous rumps of their defunct predecessors; and the afternoon admiring men on stilts accompany their enormous rumps by now adorned with plastice flowers. Tonight they'll be bedding down in the abattoir.

Pauvres bêtes, one look in their puzzled eyes makes it all seem a bit barbaraic really. It's almost enough to make one want to give up having animals fattened and killed in one's name.

If only it didn't taste so absolutely delicious.


materfamilias said...

Hmmmm, a town that knows how to appreciate its fat cows sounds like a town worth a visit. . .

beaverboosh said...

'ogling their enormous rumps', haha... always best to ogle one before eating one I guess!

Lucy said...

Oh dear, it is terribly tricky to meet and admire them in person knowing their imminent fate isn't it? And very hypocritical not to want to. But they really are very beautiful and clearly have a very good time beforehand, and what can one do with the surplus males of a species? Do they use the mummy ones for milk, or are they beef and only beef, or presumably veal as well?

Le laquet said...

I saw this beef on the Rick Stein show when he was on the Canal du Midi - looked yum then!

Anonymous said...

Great pics and a droll post.


Being confined indoors most of the day, just the four of us, is reminding me of the days when my children were wee and most of our weekends ...