Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Stroll in the Jardin Botanique

Not this weekend but a couple of weekends ago, and really just an excuse to play around with Picasa which mosaic-maestro Lucy pointed me to.
The Linnaeus bust in the bottom right-hand corner is the work of the talented Lucie Geffré - I think he's aging well. As indeed is the Jardin Botanique itself. A few years ago it was brand new: a flat, mineral wasteland in the then unpopular Bastide quartier. Now, it is a watery, green place busy with families picnicking on travel rugs, babies napping in prams under trees, and elderly people peering at unfamiliar plants.


materfamilias said...

These photos make me wish we'd spent more time in these gardens -- we did peek in on our first afternoon in Bordeaux, but were still committed to reconnoitering rather than loitering. Next time. . . .meanwhile, your photos are lovely. thanks.

Mim said...

Beautiful, re-claimed, re-envisioned space.

Lucy said...

Very nice, and well worth a blow-up not least to look at that Linnaeus' lovely weathering face!

Eva said...

I've never been to this garden and your photos really make me wanna go!


Being confined indoors most of the day, just the four of us, is reminding me of the days when my children were wee and most of our weekends ...