Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Like a cat

I feel like a cat in one of those cruel sixties experiments you learn about in Psychology. You know, the cat that was placed on a tiny platform in the middle of a swimming pool and every time it went into a deep sleep its muscles relaxed and it fell into the pool.

For the past two nights, it feels as if every time I have entered that sleep phase, I have been awoken by a little voice shouting "I've been sick!" or "I'm going to be sick!", and last night, "I feel awful", "I've had a terrible, sob, nightmare" and then at 2.30 a.m. "Mummy, can you rub my brow?".

The cat was completely crazy by the end of the experiment.


deborah said...

Hope torture over!

Here are some water colours by another Bordeaux blogger :


materfamilias said...

does it help at all to know that some of us survived this stage and lived to tell the tale? It does eventually get better (altho' you won't get too much sleep in the teen years either . . .)

Reading the Signs said...

- and the twenties can be a bit of a bastard too, especially if you follow their activities on Facebook. But you do live to tell the tale. If you haven't gone completely bonkers by then.

Mim said...

How do we manage!?

Somehow we do.

Wishing you a night of uninterrupted sleep.

L'Oiseau said...

Hope you're feeling better. You know you're really not giving me much hope now...

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Being confined indoors most of the day, just the four of us, is reminding me of the days when my children were wee and most of our weekends ...