Venice would be wonderful but not with my two baboons in tow so it's back to the Dordogne for a week or so then off to Scotland for a couple of weeks at the beginning of August.
bonjour une écossaise à Bordeaux ! Je suppose qu'il y en a d'autres :) Je suis à Bordeaux aussi, mais je voudrais partir vivre en Ecosse si par miracle j'y arrive :) Pour l'instant je me contente d'y aller le plus souvent possible... mais c'est dur... d'en repartir surtout :) en tout cas très joli maison et votre blog est très sympa ! bye Losgann
hello, ms.mac I got confused and thought you might be going to Venice .... in fact you probably just needed a holiday However I saw a ms.mac lookalike by the Grand canal near the station with shorter hair and a male companion .....!
And a message for the Scotland fan, if you want to see the real McCoy you can watch the Loch Lomond golf championship on tv at the moment ... a lot better than the St Andrews course according to my father because of the staggering beauty of the surroundings. On second thoughts he said it might be because it is the first time he has seen this championship when it wasn't raining ....and at the great age of 88 he must have watched a fair few times
Losgann - Oui une Ecossaise à Bordeaux. En fait nous ne sommes pas si nombreux que ça, à ma connaissance du moins. Mais on me dit qu'il existe une Association Ecossaise dans la ville. Etes-vous au courant?
Deborah: I feel a "By yon bonnie banks..." coming on
yes Lesley, By yon bonnie banks and Over the sea to Skye etc I'm always seized with nostalgia for anything Scottish (are we allowed to use that word?) and like a million English people I always have to say, well no, I am not totally English, my grandmother Anne Anderson, was one hundred per cent a Scot, and I only have to hear in my head a lone piper and the weeps begin ....
Going anywhere special?
I'm off to Venice tomorrow ... just for a day
Me too.
have a nice time, ms.mac! I might go on a gondola just to see what it feels like, to hell with the expense
Venice would be wonderful but not with my two baboons in tow so it's back to the Dordogne for a week or so then off to Scotland for a couple of weeks at the beginning of August.
I'm going to look out for ms.mac on Thursday! ciao Lesley and hope to see you before Scotland
une écossaise à Bordeaux ! Je suppose qu'il y en a d'autres :) Je suis à Bordeaux aussi, mais je voudrais partir vivre en Ecosse si par miracle j'y arrive :) Pour l'instant je me contente d'y aller le plus souvent possible... mais c'est dur... d'en repartir surtout :) en tout cas très joli maison et votre blog est très sympa !
(désolée pour le double comment)
hello, ms.mac
I got confused and thought you might be going to Venice .... in fact you probably just needed a holiday
However I saw a ms.mac lookalike by the Grand canal near the station with shorter hair and a male companion .....!
And a message for the Scotland fan, if you want to see the real McCoy you can watch the Loch Lomond golf championship on tv at the moment ... a lot better than the St Andrews course according to my father because of the staggering beauty of the surroundings. On second thoughts he said it might be because it is the first time he has seen this championship when it wasn't raining ....and at the great age of 88 he must have watched a fair few times
Losgann - Oui une Ecossaise à Bordeaux. En fait nous ne sommes pas si nombreux que ça, à ma connaissance du moins. Mais on me dit qu'il existe une Association Ecossaise dans la ville. Etes-vous au courant?
Deborah: I feel a "By yon bonnie banks..." coming on
yes Lesley, By yon bonnie banks and Over the sea to Skye etc
I'm always seized with nostalgia for anything Scottish (are we allowed to use that word?) and like a million English people I always have to say, well no, I am not totally English, my grandmother Anne Anderson, was one hundred per cent a Scot, and
I only have to hear in my head a lone piper and the weeps begin ....
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