And now for something completely different. Here, via Marco (again) is another political chart. You've got to pretend you're American to do this one. Perhaps unsursprisingly, my profile is very like Marco's and that of all the other people I've seen post this on their blogs. So, next time someone asks me about my politics, I'll tell them I'm somewhere near the bottom right-hand corner.
You are a Social Liberal (68% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (10% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid |
enjoyed answering the questions, depite the fact that you can't say 'This qestion is ridiculous'
I am a Strong Democrat
perhaps everyone tried the test and they are all top left?
There is something about the word politics which makes people yawn ... you'll have to find something frivolous like are you a demon lover test and see if you get a few more comments.
I own up to being the strong democrat
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