We hadn't been together for very long but he had already become an important part of my life. In fact I depended on him for a lot of things, perhaps too many things. He knew so much, was open to the world and kept me informed of all the latest news, encouraged me to keep in touch with my friends and family, played me beautiful music, kept me constant entertaining company. It got to be that I just couldn't get through the day without consulting him at regular intervals. At night, he was a comforting sleek black presence as he slept beside me. I had shown him off to all of my friends and colleagues and bored my on-line friends silly with talk of his beauty and performance. And then suddenly I felt him slipping away............. slipping away down the toilet as he dropped out of my pocket and into the yellow water.
Bye bye darling iPhone. It was lovely knowing you — and if you want to miraculously come back to life, I'll be here waiting for you.
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So sad! Are you planning to get another one?
I had a friend who was using a public toilet with an automatic flush and just as it began to flush her phone fell in. Down the drain it went.Bad!
Hope your phone fully recovers.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and your very generous offer. Sooo sweet of you!! I would love the Cd.
Oh, and I am adding you to my expat blog roll. I would love to be on your blog roll!
so now are you stuck finishing off an orange contract with no phone?
Nancy : I'm sort of hoping that I'll be able to swing another one from Apple or Orange.
La Belette: I'm off to pack it up now.
Beefking : I think the phone not working would be a valid reason to annul the contract - but I'd better check on that. The main problem is that Orange is such an dreadful operator that it's almost impossible to get in touch with them. If you go in person to a store they tell you to phone the hotline, the hotline is constantly engaged, and their website is a joke.
There is actually a site called funponsel found when I googled the problem which has 'How to save your ipod when it (accidentally) goes down the toilet' but it looks rather ancient.
Orange in Madrid is the pits ... L is shelling out an enormous amount per month for telephone but it just doesn't work.
I googled too of course and was quite relieved to see that I was not the first person that this had ever happened too - in fact it seems to be surprisingly common!
His London cuz wishes a speedy recovery.
I've been trying to remember if there was anything that I loved enough to stick my hand down the toilet to retrieve. A plastic dinosaur of K's is about it really and the volume of tears in both quantity and loudness meant I could do nothing else but take the plunge. Had he not been there I would have continued flushing until it disappeared. But I have to say I would probably stick my hand up a cow's vagina if that was where I had mistakenly left it. It IS an iPhone after all.
You mean the iPhone doesn't immediately sprout a little propeller when it hits water and turn into a submarine so it can creep up undetected on the secret underwater lair of a mad evil genius? Jeez, what a waste of money. Or is that The Spy Who Loved Me I'm thinking about?
LOL, the same thing happened to my cat when I was younger!
Strange - this is the second blogger-losing-iPhone-to-water post I've read this evening. Sad once, disturbing twice!
Oh how horrible! And you just bought it in August.
Repeat many times: "It's only material."
oh no...I'm so sorry. Makes a great post though.
In my experience phone companies DO NOT believe that a broken/lost phone is a reason to end the contract. They usually ex[ect you to buy another phone...
A quick update. I sent my hone back to Apple saying that I really couldn't understand why but it just wasn't working. Apple got in touch yesterday to say that they can't find anything wrong with my phone (!) and they're sending it back with updated firmware and apps. I reckon that the phone had either miraculously dried out in the UPS van, or it's just too much hassle for them to initiate the whole insurance process and they fixed it. In either case I'm happy!
Second update of the day - iPhone arrived this morning with a note saying that they "it had been found to be in contact with liquid". They had obviously sent me the wrong standard e-mail. It's still dead. Phoned Orange - a new one costs €630. Fuc*ers
DND (do not despair)
really, so long as you maintain your contract, they ought to let you have one at the normal contract price, rather than full price. after all for that kind of money you might as well get an unlocked phone, and tell orange to go drop themselves down a toilet. maybe if you point out to them that they're offering you a contract phone for the price of an unlocked phone, they'll relent and sell you one at standard contract price.
but that's not why I'm here. I saw this and thought of you. But what could you possibly want to fish for in your toilet... except perhaps for another phone?
Ouch. I feel better now about the baby having thrown my wireless mouse into yellow water. :)
Things could have been worse!
Next time maybe? Heehee!
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