Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sub-total immersion
I was constantly reminded of how much things have moved on since I was eighteen and came to work in France for the first time. In those days (can you hear my voice going reedy and see my body leaning lower over my walking stick?) I used to save up five-franc pieces for my weekly call home from a draughty phone box. Our broadband provider gives us free calls to just about anywhere in the world so Charlotte could call home any time she liked. Apart from the occasional letter, I was out of touch with my friends back home for almost all of the time that I was in France; Charlotte kept in touch with her friends through Facebook and text messages. I used to save up and buy the occasional English-language newspaper, Charlotte could have read any newspaper she liked on the internet. I went home after three months to discover that there were lots of new adverts and series on TV, Charlotte could have watched English-language television to her heart's delight via satellite (had we a satellite dish, hint, hint), cable (had she wanted to suffer through reruns of Dad's Army and The Good Life) and of course copious downloading.
I'll stop there before I get to the "well we lived in a shoebox in a cess pit" line from Monty Python. I suppose that what I'm saying is that it's actually much more difficult nowadays to achieve the total immersion effect in a foreign language.
Charlotte is off to New Zealand next month — I suppose the Maoris have broadband too.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Spot on?

The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type:
The Artists
The gentle and compassionate type. They are especially attuned their inner values and what other people need. They are not friends of many words and tend to take the worries of the world on their shoulders. They tend to follow the path of least resistance and have to look out not to be taken advantage of.
They often prefer working quietly, behind the scene as a part of a team. They tend to value their friends and family above what they do for a living.
Well, I suppose the "not friends of many words" part is correct.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
1. Rosie: A Bitch About Brittany
2. Ms Mac
3. Engelsk
4. Lucy : Box Elder
5. Neil: Neil Writes the Blog
6. Deborah (independent commenter!)
7. Le Laquet
8. Anne : Belgian Waffle
9. Frankofile
10. Dick of Dick Jones' Patteran Pages
1. What is your favourite post from number 3’s blog?
I quite like this one - there was a similar one last year I think.
2. Has number 10 taken any pictures that have moved you?
Dick's blog is about words more than pictures. His poems have certainly moved me.
3. Does number 6 reply to comments on their blog?
Deborah still doesn't have a blog but her daughter Lucie who is an extremely talented artist started a trilingual one recently. I give you Lucie Geffré.
4. Which part of blogland is number 2 from?
Ms Mac lives in the Village of the Damned in deepest Switzerland but as I know only too well you can take the girl out of Scotland but you can't .........
5. If you could give one piece of advice to number 7 what would it be?
I'd praise her rather than give her advice - well done lightweight!
6. Have you ever tried something from number 9’s blog?
I'm sure I've nicked something at some time from almost all of the blogs I read - and I'd quite like to borrow Sky, Frankofile's black lab.
7. Has number 1 blogged something that inspired you?
Rosie's posts about teaching music to autistic children are more than inspiring, they are life-enhancing.
8. How often do you comment on number 4’s blog?
I comment on Lucy's blog quite often - usually to say nothing more interesting than that I love a photograph or agree with a beautifully expressed observation.
9. Do you wait for number 8 to post excitedly?
I have to be honest and say that I don't exactly wait excitedly for anyone to post, but when I see a new post from Belgian Waffle in Google Reader my cursor does tend to go straight to it.
10. How did number 5’s blog change your life?
Ha! I could write a book about how Neil's blog changed my life. ......... it would be a very short book.
11. Do you know any of the 10 bloggers in person?
I've known Deborah for a very long time. I have never met any of the others, I would definitely recognise a few of them if they passed me in the street (Ms Mac, bespectacled Neil, Rosie...) and would respond enthusiastically to a dinner invitation from any of the ten!
12. Do any of your 10 bloggers know each other in person?
Rosie and Lucy are friends. Ms Mac comments on Rosie's blog. Lucy and Dick link to each other. Le Laquet and Ms Mac link to each other. Does Ms Mac know Anne? Maybe because her friend Heather definitely does. (Does anyone else miss Heather's blog? Come back Heather.) I'm not sure about Frankofile. Engelsk and Neil are the wild cards in this group.
13. Out of the 10, which updates more frequently?
Ms Mac, I think. (although I miss the daily dose of her 365 photos on Flickr).
14. Which of the 10 keep you laughing?
Neil mostly (who wouldn't laugh at these photos?)
15. Which of the 10 has made you cry (good or bad tears)?
I can't say that any of them have made me cry. Smile. Worry. Frown. But not cry.
Monday, November 10, 2008
But of course we should keep in mind that vulgar has many dictionary definitions and that only a couple of these have to do with lewdness and bad taste [DFW is writing about the porn industry]. At root, vulgar just means popular on a mass scale. It is the semantic opposite of pretentious or snobby. It is humility with a comb-over.So , there you have it — I am proud to have been a vulgar tourist and here is my vulgar slideshow.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Being confined indoors most of the day, just the four of us, is reminding me of the days when my children were wee and most of our weekends ...

I spend far too much time reading blogs. I’m sure you all agree it’s a shameful, compulsive disorder. So I’m cutting down. I’m going on a dr...
We hadn't been together for very long but he had already become an important part of my life. In fact I depended on him for a lot of thi...
Deborah, who still doesn't have a blog, sent me some photographs of her place for posting "to make everyone else feel better about...