I've been saving these totally useless signs for a while; so long in fact that I've forgotten where I made them. Except for the first one which came from here.
The sun rises bright in FranceThat's a song by Alan Cunningham (1784-1842) that I, the exiled Scot in Bordeaux, might be tempted to sing, were I the homesick type ...and could I sing. It was written to commemorate the flight to France of hundreds of Jacobites in the seventeenth century, and expresses a poignant and, some might say, characteristically Scottish attitude to exile. There's an enjoyable wistfulness about exile that we Scots are often tempted to overplay, a trait Billy Connolly exploits in an old sketch about Glasgow pubs full of maudlin folk singers wailing on about how far they are fae hame. Excuse me while I have a wail.
and so sets he
But he has tint the blink he had
In my ain countree
So drink with me a glass of wine
And sing with me some Scottish rhyme
That I may think of Auld Lang Syne
And my ain countree
The bud comes back to summer
And the blossom tae the bee
But I'll win back never
To my ain countree
The land of sweet Bordeaux
Is pleasant for tae see
But ne'er sae sweet as the land I left
And my ain countree
Being confined indoors most of the day, just the four of us, is reminding me of the days when my children were wee and most of our weekends ...